Take time to relax this holiday

If you’re like us, all the noise around Black Friday + Cyber Monday and all that gets to be a bit too much. We’d much rather be preparing a nice meal for friends and family or maybe taking in some cross country skiing on Mt. Hood. So, we’re going to be closed for Black Friday. We also aren’t doing any crazy blow out deals that only last 6 hours. Who needs that extra pressure?

We have put together some special deals that are available for the rest of the holiday season. Take your time. Enjoy the holidays, and hopefully some fantastic coffee. We’ll be here whenever you’re ready.

Holiday Special Offers
  1. Included with every purchase over $100: Spend $20 on your choice of over 60 amazing coffees from some top notch roasters on the Crema.co marketplace. Read more about why we love the Crema.co approach to finding your favorite coffee for the Ratio Eight.
  2. Limited pricing of $495 for the Ratio Eight in Oyster, White, and Black. The price goes up to $595 in January.